Thursday, January 8, 2009

Goals..Not Resoulutions!

A friend of mine gave me the idea of actually doing New Year's resolutions. I typically don't believe in doing them because you tend to make up things that you will never get done. But her idea was to make practical goals. So I'm following along. However, I refuse to call mine resolutions. Check out her goals and her nifty title at

Here are mine!

1. Keep up with the dirty laundry

2. Straighten up house each night before I go to bed

3. Keep my van cleaned out

4.Create chore schedule for our house

5. Be more organized

6. Teach Lillie to clean up after herself, teaching responsibility

7. Cook more often

8. Try new recipes

9. Go to bed one night a week before 10 pm

10. Get back on my workout schedule at the YMCA

11. Work on building my business

12. Reward myself instead of just shopping

13. Be more involved in my church

14. Take Lillie outside more and for longer periods of time

15. Get back to smart shopping with coupons, no matter how much I hate them

16. Finish Lillie's baby book since she is now 3!

I hope to blog about these goals as I accomplish them.

I encourage each of you to make your own list and shoot for a GREAT year in 2009!