Christmas was so fun this year! This is the first year that Lil has been able to grasp the whole concept of Santa coming and so on. I will enlighten you on some of the funny things Lil said about Christmas........While watching the Christmas play at church, we explained to her that was Mary...."Where's her little lamb?".....Her Sunday school class had a Baby Jesus birthday party..."Mom, How's he going to get down here for that?, I said, he's not..."Oh, we are going up there then, alright!"...On Christmas Eve as we were preparing for Santa's arrival, We told her that we needed to leave cookies and milk, so we put the cookies over on the table, gave Lil a cup of milk to take over there....She downed it!..."I don't want Santa to drink all my milk!"...Sharing is an issue...So, Christmas Eve night after Lil was in bed, Ryan went to his parents to assemble the bike and scooter...He comes in the door carrying them both....and our crazy dog does something he's never done before..He runs to Lil's room, jumps ON her and trys' to wake her up! Needless to say Lil went back to sleep and Junior got the boot out of her room...Once Ryan was gone to his parents, I sat down in the recliner and looked and the 2 Oreos' were gone, I thought he must have eaten them on the way out...He got home and said "you've already eaten the cookies", I said "No, I thought you did".....JUNIOR! The dog ate the 2 oreo's left out for Santa....Too cute. These are just some of our memories that I wanted to share with you...Hope everyone had a great Christmas!
Lil seems most excited about the chocolate Kit Kat than anything! That is so my Lil, food makes her the happiest...just like her Mimi!
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